Articles on: Getting Started

Payable Forms - Setting up Taxes & Handling Fees

If you need to collect taxes or would like to apply a handling fee to your orders to offset your overhead, then keep reading!

Both of these settings can be found in your Payable sidebar in the Checkout Settings section.

Step 1 - Open the Payable sidebar

Click the add-ons puzzle piece icon > Payable Forms > Configure Payment Settings

How to open the Payable sidebar

Step 2 - Navigate to the Checkout Settings Section

In your sidebar scroll down, and you'll see Checkout Settings - click this to open the section where you may configure your tax and/or handling fee settings.

Checkout Settings
Checkout Settings Details

Step 3 - Configure your Tax and/or Handling Fee Settings

Now you can enter a # or use the slider to set your rates; both may be set to 1 decimal place.

Tax rates will be applied to all orders at the value you've set; they are not calculated dynamically based on the location of the buyer.

Updated on: 15/05/2024

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