Articles on: Getting Started

Getting Started with Payable Forms

Getting Started with Payable Google Forms

So you want to create a Google Form that also accepts payments? Awesome! You have come to the right place.

Step 1 - Installing the Payable Forms Add-On

Head on over to and if you do not have a Google Account, click the "Create account" button to get setup.
Click here to get the Payable Forms Add-On from the Google Workspace Marketplace. Select the "Install." For most cases, "Individual Install" will work fine. If you are an administrator and you want to install this application for the entire domain you manage, you can use the "Domain Install" instead.
Once the Add-On is installed, go back to a Google Form in Edit Mode and refresh the page. Look for the puzzle piece in the title bar to appear, and select it. You should see the Payable Forms Option. Select "Make this form Payable".

Install the Payable Forms Add-On

Step 2 - Setting up your Google Form for Payments

Add money amounts in the correct format to the answers in your Google Form.
Follow the getting started steps in the sidebar to (Auto Configure Form and Sheet, Sync Theme, and Connect a Payment Provider)
Toggle your form On as Payable.

Follow the Setup Steps in the Add-on Sidebar

Step 3 - Testing your Payable Google Form

Once your form is toggled ON as payable you can test out the experience to make sure it works as expected for your users.
Click the Eyeball Icon in the Google Form toolbar to see your form how your customers would see it. Fill it out.
Make sure your order adds up and you transition to checkout as expected.
When you are ready turn off Test Mode.

Test the customer experience.

Step 4 - Track payment status of your orders in your Google Sheet.

We automatically update the status of your orders in the connected google sheet.
You should see your sheet at

Do not edit or move the first 2 columns on your sheet (timestamp and email), nor the Payable columns that we insert during setup. If you want to add additional columns for your own notes do so at the end of the spreadsheet - moving or editing the columns noted will cause your sheet to malfunction.

Payment Status Updates in Google Sheet.

Watch all 4 Setup Steps

Follow the steps in the dialog window and the Getting Started guide. We have a detailed video below that walks through these steps.

Updated on: 13/05/2024

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