Articles on: Getting Started

Manually Updating a Payable Order Status

Manually Updating a Payable Order Status

There are times when you might want to change the status of an existing Payable Order.

For example, you can use manual order updates for:
If you want to trigger a payment reminder email for unpaid orders. (Set status to "reminder-sent" and when asked if you want to notify the customer select "Yes")
If a customer changes their mind, they will need to place another order rather than editing their original order. In this case, you can cancel the original order so the customer does not receive payment reminder for it.
If a customer wants to cancel their order and has not yet paid for it.
If you have a deadline approaching and want to stop people from paying for open orders, you can now "Cancel" open orders to keep people from paying or being reminded to pay.
If a customer has decided to pay manually by cash or check and you would like the Order to reflect that as a receipt.

You cannot manually update orders that already have been paid electronically. If you want to provide a refund, you will need to login to your payment provider's portal (i.e PayPal, Stripe, Square) and locate the transaction by the ID, and then click refund from within the payment provider's portal.

Manual Updates are done from within the Google Sheet.

Open the Google Sheet connected to your Form and:
Select the Row Number for the Order you would like to update.
Select "Extensions" > "Payable Forms" > "Mark Payable Order As:" and choose your desired status.

Manually Updating Payable Orders

Be sure that you click on the row # to select the entire row of data, don't click on just the Payable Order Status cell

See it in action:

We created this video which showcases the functionality of Manual Order Update feature.

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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