Articles on: Getting Started

Changing Confirmation Messages

What is a Confirmation Message?

With the Payable Forms add-on, we automatically generate messages that are displayed and sent to your Form users after submission. If you would like to personalize these messages to suit your usage, or include instructions for your users to follow post-submission, simply follow these steps:

Example of Confirmation Message
This is the standard Payable message shown to users once they have submitted a Form

Do not edit the link portion of this message!

How to change your Google Form Confirmation Message

Remember, this message is shown after the Form is submitted but payment has not yet been made.

Click on the Settings header at the top of your Form
Expand the Presentation section
Click the Edit button beside Confirmation Message

How to find confirmation message

How to change the Order Submission Email Body

Along with customizing the confirmation message that displays in the browser once a user submits your Form, you can also customize the content of the email that Payable sends at the time of each form submission:

Click on your Google Forms Add-ons button (puzzle piece)
Click Payable Forms
Click Configure Payment Settings in the Payable pop-up
Click Notification Settings in the Payable toolbar
Add your message to the Amount Order Email Body field

Do not edit the existing Payable text in this field!

In this field, you can personalize the email message shown to your users after they have submitted your Form. Please note you cannot put images in this field, and you cannot add additional dynamic fields to it.

How to Change the Post-Payment Message

The last message your users will receive is the Post-Payment Message, which is a message shown to the buyer only once they have submitted payment. In this field, you can relay information you do not want to share with a user until they have paid for your goods or service.

Click on your Google Forms Add-ons button (puzzle piece)
Click Payable Forms
Click Configure Payment Settings in the Payable pop-up
Click Checkout Settings in the Payable toolbar
Scroll down to the Post-Payment Message field
Enter your custom message

Updated on: 07/05/2024

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