Payable Forms - Copying an Old Form
Trying to set up your new club registration for this year, or planning to use Payable again for your next event? It’s easy to do, since copying a Google Form just takes a single click. But make sure you’re checking your settings and doing the extra step of configuring the Payable Add-On for your new Form in order to avoid checkout errors! Follow these steps:
Step 1 – Copy your existing Google Form
Copying an existing Google Form is very easy: Simply go to your Google Form and make a copy of it by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner and choosing Make a copy.
Step 2 – Give your new Form a New Name
The name on your copied Form will be ‘Copy – My Old Form Name’ so make sure you change it to the updated year/date/event ASAP to avoid confusion.
Step 3 – In your new Form, make it Payable!
In the upper right, hit the puzzle piece and click on Payable Forms to activate the Payable Add-On. (Don’t see it? You may need to reinstall it in the Google Marketplace.)
Step 4- Configure your Payable settings
You’ve done this before, so it should only take a few seconds! This step ensures that your Checkout is properly configured (and allows you to make sure things like tax or shipping costs haven’t changed for this year!) and that a new Sheet is created to track orders. If you need a refresher, these are the few Payable setup steps: Getting Started with Payable Forms
Step 5- Start selling!
It’s time to get your Form out there.
Step 1 – Copy your existing Google Form
Copying an existing Google Form is very easy: Simply go to your Google Form and make a copy of it by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner and choosing Make a copy.
Step 2 – Give your new Form a New Name
The name on your copied Form will be ‘Copy – My Old Form Name’ so make sure you change it to the updated year/date/event ASAP to avoid confusion.
Step 3 – In your new Form, make it Payable!
In the upper right, hit the puzzle piece and click on Payable Forms to activate the Payable Add-On. (Don’t see it? You may need to reinstall it in the Google Marketplace.)
Step 4- Configure your Payable settings
You’ve done this before, so it should only take a few seconds! This step ensures that your Checkout is properly configured (and allows you to make sure things like tax or shipping costs haven’t changed for this year!) and that a new Sheet is created to track orders. If you need a refresher, these are the few Payable setup steps: Getting Started with Payable Forms
Step 5- Start selling!
It’s time to get your Form out there.
Updated on: 07/05/2024
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